After months of contemplation, I have given my notice. I am leaving my secure 8-5 day job as a graphic designer / website developer at Norris Enterprises to freelance full time. I love my job at Norris, I created e-commerce store logos and websites. The company is an umbrella company to three other companies that sell different types of products that can be purchased online. There was always something new to do and design. Why leave then? Well, my freelance work became very successful and I am at a point that I must choose, stay at the day job or be my own boss. I am taking the risk and following my dream. My goal is to be able to offer professionally designed web sites, logos, business cards, etc... to every small or large business that doesn't want to pay an expensive ad agency. The reason I can design for less is because I don't have "overhead", I already own all of my own software, computers, and materials I need to design. So, please pass the word on....Freelance Web Designer Available for Hire!


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